How is my dizziness treated?

How is my dizziness treated?

Treatment of dizziness is cause-specific and may involve surgery, repositioning manoeuvres, radiotherapy, medication, physio, exercise or dietary changes. Medication can be directed at the cause, e.g. anti-viral or simply to sedate the dizzy centre until recovery...
What are the ear causes of vertigo?

What are the ear causes of vertigo?

Most dizzy ear problems arise from the inner ear, although impacted wax and middle ear disease can also contribute. BPPV (Benign Positional Paroxysmal Vertigo) is when the gravity crystals become dislodged (often for no reason) floating around causing short episodes...
Why am I dizzy?

Why am I dizzy?

Balance is maintained primarily by using your inner ear with inputs from your eyes and spine and joints. Any malfunction of the inner ear creates a miss-message to the brain telling it you are turning. Your eyes then attempt to fixate and to correct this perceived...