by Dr. Mark Richardson | Apr 19, 2023 | Throat
I have categorized these into five. Infective These may be viral, bacterial or fungal. The commonest would be the viral...
by Dr. Mark Richardson | Apr 19, 2023 | Throat
In primary disease (where there is no obvious cause) the symptoms include having a lump in the throat, something being stuck, a chronic cough, clearing of the throat, hoarseness and a post nasal drip. In secondary Globus Pharyngus there are added symptoms related to...
by Dr. Mark Richardson | Mar 14, 2023 | Throat
Hoarseness can affect any age and can be alone or associated with other local symptoms such as swallowing problems, breathing issues; including stridor and coughing. Hoarseness may also be a normal aging phenomenon. This condition can be acute or chronic [ longer...
by Dr. Mark Richardson | Jun 8, 2022 | Throat
Bleeding does occur from the nose and the mouth – usually a small amount for a short time. Ongoing bleeding on the day of the surgery can rarely occur, and may require re-cauterization of the bleeding vessel. Secondary bleeding may occur usually 5 -10 days after...
by Dr. Mark Richardson | Apr 20, 2022 | Throat
The tonsils and adenoids are part of the upper airways lymphatic first defence, filtering particles and killing viruses and bacteria with antibodies from white cells. Inflammation can occur, called tonsillitis. After the age of approximately 3 years, this tissue...
by Dr. Mark Richardson | Feb 9, 2022 | Throat
The traditional way to remove the tonsils is using “cold steel” dissection. This is usually done with a curette of the adenoids. Stitches are often not needed and bleeding is stopped using electrocautery (diathermy).Coblation is being used for both tonsil...