
Dr. Richardson Answers Your FAQs Pt. 2

Dr. Richardson Answers Your FAQs Pt. 2

In this blog I will be covering the following frequently asked questions:  Tips for preventing ear disease in children.   The link between sinus and overall well-being and,  Voice care for professionals. How to prevent ear disease in children? Preventing ear...

Dr. Richardson Answers Your FAQs Pt. 1

Dr. Richardson Answers Your FAQs Pt. 1

I will briefly address four often asked questions in this blog and four in the next. THE IMPORTANCE OF HEARING HEALTH The youth these days often listen to very loud music and can also take part in recreational activities like hunting.  They have very little idea...



If an identifiable cause is found, this must be addressed and can be a simple as removing wax from the outer ear.  If no cause is found, such as in presbycusis, other forms of treatment may be employed: Behavioural Therapy The patient needs to be educated and...



The history is important defining the onset together with any precipitating events.  The course of the tinnitus and associated symptoms with medication use is important.  Clinically, a full head and neck examination in undertaken concentrating on the ear together with...



The cause of the ringing is often unknown.  It is a phantom sound generated from the brain auditory cortex and other pathways.  In the ear, outer ear infections, wax impaction, ear drum perforations or even mucous in the middle ear will cause tinnitus. ...

What is Tinnitus?

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is defined as the perception of sound without an external source.  It is a symptom and not a disease in itself.  Approximately 10% of patients have objective tinnitus where the noise is hear by the examining doctor, e.g. blood vessel narrowing.  Tinnitus can...

Fungal Rhinosinusitis

Fungal Rhinosinusitis

We all inhale fungal spores every day and these are usually trapped in the mucous and cleared not resulting in any sequelae. However, there are times when sinusitis is caused and this can be divided into two groups, the invasive and the non-invasive form.  In the...