If an identifiable cause is found, this must be addressed and can be a simple as removing wax from the outer ear.  If no cause is found, such as in presbycusis, other forms of treatment may be employed:

  1. Behavioural Therapy

The patient needs to be educated and counselled and reassured that there is no sinister pathology behind the symptom.  Unfortunately, there is no cure and cognitive behavioural therapy and tinnitus retraining therapy have been useful. Tinnitus maskers in the form of a hearing aid equivalent can be used during the day together with masking using cell phone white noise at night.  There are also hearing aids with sound amplification and maskers combined.  Sound therapy has also been useful.

  •  Medication

Unfortunately, there is no specific medication to treat tinnitus.  Allied medication such as Tryptenol and Melatonin at night can be used together with anti-depressants. 

  •  Magnetic or electrical stimulation of the brain has been tried (this includes cochlea implants in severely deaf patients).
  • Vitamins and Herbs

Many have been tried with some success with Gingko Biloba.  This herb increases blood supply to the inner ear and is a powerful ant oxidant.  The problem with this herb is that is decreases platelet function and therefore the tendency towards bleeding.  It also takes about three months to start working.