Dr. Richardson Answers Your FAQs Pt. 2

Dr. Richardson Answers Your FAQs Pt. 2

In this blog I will be covering the following frequently asked questions:  Tips for preventing ear disease in children.   The link between sinus and overall well-being and,  Voice care for professionals. How to prevent ear disease in children? Preventing ear...
Dr. Richardson Answers Your FAQs Pt. 1

Dr. Richardson Answers Your FAQs Pt. 1

I will briefly address four often asked questions in this blog and four in the next. THE IMPORTANCE OF HEARING HEALTH The youth these days often listen to very loud music and can also take part in recreational activities like hunting.  They have very little idea...


If an identifiable cause is found, this must be addressed and can be a simple as removing wax from the outer ear.  If no cause is found, such as in presbycusis, other forms of treatment may be employed: Behavioural Therapy The patient needs to be educated and...