Management of Epiphora

Management of Epiphora

The Ophthalmologist will make the primary diagnosis and investigate the problem including inserting dye into the eye and watching for clearance down the drainage system. The Eye Specialist may also probe the drainage ducts and flush them out. The management will be...
Causes of Epiphora

Causes of Epiphora

There are a number of different causes including the following: Allergy, infections or conjunctivitis and pink-eye, blepharitis (eye lid infection), dry eyes, styes, meibomian cysts, entropion (inward position of the lids), trauma which may be smoke or due to...
Definition of Epiphora

Definition of Epiphora

Epiphora means watery eyes as opposed to lacrimation which occurs during, for instance, crying. The normal physiology and anatomy of the tear system is complex and the tears arise from the lacrimal gland which is located superiorally and laterally in the eye. The...