Medical management has been investigated over the last 20 years with some varying success.  These medical therapies include Interferons, photodynamic treatment, anti-virals like Acyclovir, BCG which is the TB vaccine and intralesional injections e.g. with the mumps vaccine.  An acid suppressant (PPI) must always be used. 


In severe cases the patient may die from airway obstruction.  Scarring, especially of the anterior larynx can occur with repeated surgery.  The papilloma disease can extend into the lungs (especially if a tracheostomy is done). The papilloma can also progress rarely into squamous carcinoma.  Hoarseness which was the presenting symptom, may also be permanent.


Recently the HPV vaccine (Gardasil) has been strongly recommended in especially pre-teen girls.  This may eradicate the disease in years to come.