Nasal – Sequela

Nasal – Sequela

The consequences of nasal obstruction in children are usually stertor with or without apnoea.  This can result in cardiac failure which is seen in the younger child usually about the age of one.  A blocked nose can affect teeth and palate growth with malalignment of...
Nasal Congestion in Adults

Nasal Congestion in Adults

As with Children, upper respiratory tract infections can occur with or without sinus involvement.  Adenoids are usually not a cause of nasal congestion in adults, unless the patient is HIV positive or has a tumour in the back of the nose, for example, nasopharyngeal...
Nasal Congestion in Children

Nasal Congestion in Children

Nasal congestion is very common affecting everybody at some stage.  It can be very frustrating and has sequelae to the patient and obviously to the family.  It affects quality of life and can be associated with other symptoms or other organs involved, for instance,...
How is adult epistaxis treated?

How is adult epistaxis treated?

A big bleed in an adult is a medical emergency with the prime objective to stop the bleeding. This is usually done in the hospital casualty with the insertion of a tamponade balloon (Rapid Rhino). The amount of blood loss is determined, and blood given if necessary....